
Logistics and Supply Chain

Due to the nature of the product itself as the main activity of the companies, Logistics and Supply Chain face different challenges in their main functions such as: planning, management and control of the storage of goods, as well as the necessary services and the flow of information generated, which goes from the point of origin of the product to the point of consumption.

Un avión sobrevuela contenedores en un aeropuerto.


In any international purchase and sale operation there is usually a large volume of documentation, but what adds complexity to the operation is the different nature of the information involved. The logistics professional must know where each document is located and who is responsible for its management and control within and outside the organization. With our document manager, you will have agile access to ordered information, having at all times the traceability of the operation and the status of each assigned task.

Supply Chain

Through our solutions, the time control in the different stages and types of supply is much more agile and preventive, having the traceability of each operation and triggering action plans in case of any incident.

Un hombre trabajando en una laptop en un almacén de logística y cadena de suministros.

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